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Yakima, Washington

Located in the Yakima Valley midway between Walla Walla and Seattle, this area is one of the best apple growing regions in the world. Hops and wine are also grown in this area known as the "Palm Springs of Washington" because it is sunnier than the rest of the State.

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Need Travel Ideas - These Will Keep You Busy!

Almost everybody says they intend to travel in retirement. Here are 10+ great ideas that are exciting, interesting, offbeat - and sure to be a lot of fun.

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FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Ten Things Your New Retirement Town Needs to Offer

When it comes to finding the right retirement town, remember this – you are the customer!  Here is our list of 10 things your new town should be able to deliver on.

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Mini-Retirement Guide to Tennessee

Known as tax-friendly to retirees, Tennessee offers a wide range of cities, towns, and environments to live in. It has  big rivers as well as the  Great Smoky and Cumberland Mountains.

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